Surveillance CamsWe have 24/hour DVR recorded surveillance through out our facility for the benefit of you and your belongings. |
Lighted Concrete DrivesWe have concrete drives to help cut down dust and dirt. They are well light at night for your convenience. |
Free TrailerWe offer free use of our trailer to move into your storage unit when you rent from us. |
Temperature Control UnitsThese units are important in our dry, hot climate. Heat can dry out wood, yellow documents and art work, and dust can be very destructive to electronics. These units helps guard against both issues. |
Fenced PerimeterWe do have a fenced perimeter with a entrance and exit gate. |
On-site ManagerWe have a manager on location Monday-Friday from 9-5:30 and Saturday from 9-2 for your convenience. |
Computerized Controlled GatesOur gates only allow customers in good standing to enter our facility. |